Frequently asked questions

+ How do I get your products?

Delivery is a separate service than product price. Since our specialty is manufacturing and supplying commercial vendors, our products are trickier to get for home gardeners, so please carefully consider your options …

FREE PICKUP for Home Gardners: NOTE: Product is not free. Walk-ins available during normal business hours at the Soil Dynamics Yard in near downtown Omaha. For small orders, we recommend bringing your own containers or line the trunk of your car with a tarp. Shovels are on-site for loading. For large orders, we can drop directly into the back of your truck, or we recommend renting an open-top pickup truck from U-Haul.

FREE PICKUP for Commercial Clients: NOTE: Product is not free. Available at either location. Must set an appointment if using Ashland site - commercial clients only. Walk-ins welcome at Soil Dynamics Yard near downtown Omaha. Credit and wholesale pricing available to vendors after filling out our application.

PAID DELIVERY: Delivery cost is $165 minimum/hourly for dump trucks, $185 minimum/hourly for roll offs & $235 mimimum/hourly for side dumps. Delivery only available for orders of 5-cubic yards of soil/compost, or a minimum of 5-cubic yards of mulch. If ordering more than one product, seperate delivery may be necessary to avoid excessive commingling.

BAGGED or UN-BAGGED: Bags of Organic Matters! compost occasionally available. Please check ahead. Unbagged product is much cheaper. We pass those savings onto you.


+ Does commingling occur on deliveries?

Yes, if you're having more than one product delivered at a time, the products will mix together.


+ How much soil do I need?

Use this calculator.


+ If I bring a pickup, do I have to scoop it into my vehicle like Oma-Gro?

No! We can drop loose material into trucks using our skid-steer.


+ Can I purchase your product in bags?

Yes, but we only occassionlly bag our Organic Matters! compost. Call ahead to see if it's stock. It’s much cheaper to buy un-bagged material.


+ How do I pay?

We accept credit card payments over the phone; cash, check, or credit card in person; or contractors, you can apply for credit.


+ How do I find you?

All that is listed here: Contact & Location.


+ What's so special about your products?

What we’re actually selling is the sense of fulfillment you’ll have in participating in the circular economy, reversing climate change, and supporting local composting efforts.

By buying this soil, you’ll be holding the result of a process that includes collecting food waste from 11,000 local students, some of Omaha’s most celebrated restaurants, and even manure from Henry Doorly Zoo’s giraffes and zebras.

By using this soil, you’re entering into the circular economy & Omaha’s sustainability movement alongside the organic farmers that supply our markets & restaurants, and community gardeners that promote food security to those in need.

Our soil makes it easier for you to grow better food & plants because of the friendly fungi & microorganisms included that repair the earth from the consequences of industrial & urbanization.

Our compost is the result of our affiliate organics & recycling company based in the Omaha Metro Area, Hillside Solutions. Through partnerships with local schools, restaurants, and businesses, we divert thousands of tons away from the landfill. Our soil & mulch is the end result of this process and the beginning of yours.

Even better, you can strengthen the circle even further by contributing your food waste (and many other sorts of things) from your home back into the process and one day back into your own garden by joining Compost Club.


+ What's the difference between Soil Dynamics and Oma-Gro?

Big difference. Imagine if you only ate rice versus if you had 24/7 access to the best organic, locally-sourced buffet of food. A greater variety of foods means you get more nutrients. The same goes for our products. Oma-Gro mainly uses yard material. We use that plus food waste, manure, and many other compostable materials.


+ How clean is the soil?

It’s lab-tested and approved. Almost as if nature intended it, bad bacteria & pathogens die at the exact heat range created with industrial composting, while the good bacteria, fungi, and microorganisms stick around to feed your plants. Chemicals that are available to a typical homeowner or present on conventional food are rendered harmless through our process. Agriculturally-sourced manure only comes from farmers who we’ve verified are using chemicals that will break down in our system.

All soil cures for up to a year and we filter everything through half-inch screeners. But due to the nature of industrial composting, inevitably there’s a chance for glass, plastic & other little contaminates in our product.


+ Why is my compost clumpy?

By nature of the material, it is common for straight compost to become clumpy. Sometimes this occurs with our product. Good news is that nothing is wrong with it. Just step on it to begin breaking it up. You can reference this blog article to gain a frame of reference.


+ Why isn't your soil black?

While many people think black loamy soil equals healthy, color and texture depend on where you live.